艾爾維斯與陳的越南製鞋之旅 (★兒童英文有聲故事書) 邀請孩子們加入艾爾維斯和陳的刺激之旅,從漢諾伊飛往越南,參加溫馨的家庭團聚。在漢諾伊機場的熱烈歡迎後,一頓豪華的中式宴會拉開了珍貴回憶的序幕。他們隨後參觀了一家神奇的鞋廠,揭開製鞋的秘密。鞋廠內部意外的廟會活動,提供了精神上的洗滌。隨著夜幕降臨,漢諾伊的夜生活也隨之活躍起來,艾爾維斯和陳在五光十色的購物狂歡中沉浸在一個充滿燈光、色彩和新發現的世界。這本書透過生動的情節和豐富的詞彙,展現了越南的文化多樣性和旅行的快樂,帶領孩子們進入一個充滿創意和魔力的冒險之旅。
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
- Flight to Vietnam
- Anticipation Builds
- Family Reunion at Hanoi Airport
- Sets the Stage for a Family-Filled Adventure
- Luxurious Dining Experience
- Journey to the Enchanting Shoe
- Meet the Boss-Cousin and Discover Shoemaking Secrets
- Temple Event and Spiritual Moments
- Hanoi Nights Shopping Extravaganza
- Exploring Hanoi's Wonders
- Majestic Water Puppet Show
- Enchanting Boat Ride in Halong Bay
- Cultural Immersion in Vietnamese Village
- Heartfelt Farewell and Promises
- Journey Home and Treasured Memories
- A New Beginning